Despre noi
intoMUSIC este un proiect educațional care își propune să dezvolte
noi modalități de învățare și predare a muzicii în școli,
concentrându-se pe: extinderea competențelor profesorilor de muzică, elaborarea de noi metodologii de predare, diseminarea acestor metodologii prin învățare peer-learning și evenimente multiplicatoare, consolidarea cooperării europene în domeniul predării muzicii.
Proiectul este finanțat de programul Erasmus+ și dezvoltat de 4 asociații din diferite țări
Tribul Artistic
Are ca scop dezvoltarea, susținerea și promovarea manifestărilor cultural-artistice prin organizarea de festivaluri, evenimente, concerte, stagii de pregătire, expoziții, conferințe în colaborare cu muzicieni din întreaga lume;
Euro-Arab Youth Music Center
Este un organism instituționalizat pentru colaborarea ulterioară între organizațiile de tineret și muzică din statele europene și arabe, în special cele care lucrează în regiunea est-mediteraneană;
Be Artive
Ca și companie orientată spre proiectarea, producerea și coordonarea evenimentelor culturale, BeArtive are ca prioritate îmbogățirea artelor prin cercetarea unor noi modalități de exprimare și relația muzicii alături de alte arte ale spectacolului și creativitatea în general;
Anassa Productions
Urmărește crearea de conexiuni artistice și culturale la nivel internațional, cu un accent special pe dimensiunea europeană; îmbunătățirea schimbului de cunoștințe, a relațiilor și a expresiei artistice.
Intellectual Outputs

Register for the first intoMUSIC mobility in Cyprus, 18-25 July 2021
Call for Teachers
intoMUSIC call for music teachers 2021
Application period: 7 – 31 May
Interviews: 2 – 4 June
Informing successful applicants: 7th of June
In the framework of intoMUSIC project, 16 music teachers from Romania, Greece, Cyprus and France (4 from each country), will have the chance to participate in a week-long training course, taking place in Cyprus on July 18-25.2021, in the picturesque Vavla village, 20 km from Larnaca and the seaside.
During this week, the selected teachers will work together to develop and test a number of novel digital tools and new educational methods. Training today’s teachers in the skills of ICT and online learning is necessary for 21st century classrooms.
The call is addressed to music teachers that are active in public schools and private schools, both public and professional schools, at all educational levels.
intoMUSIC will cover:
- Travel cost to Cyprus from your departure city: Thessaloniki (GR), Lyon (FR), Timișoara (RO)
- Transportation from/to the airport
- Accomodation (7 nights – double rooms)
- Meals (2 meals/day)
Structure of the training course:
- 6 days, 6 hours/day, personal laptops being required during the sessions
Mandatory qualifications and skills:
- A degree in a music related subject
- Certificate/Proof of music pedagogy studies
- Fluent in english speaking and writing
- To have basic computer experience such as: music recording/editing software, communication and searching information tools and educational software.
- A positive attitude towards learning new tools and apply them at teaching-learning process
In the application form:
- CV – an up to date curriculum vitae
- Motivation letter (up to 800 words) addressing the next questions:
- Please introduce yourself and your professional background.
- Music and social cohesion: how do you think music can help us in developing more inclusive societies?.
- What do you think are the benefits of incorporating ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in your classroom? Do you have any relevant experience that you would like to share with us?.
- From your experience, what do you think are the challenges related to online teaching through the pandemic period?
Covid-19 and travelling to Cyprus
Cyprus has introduced the country categorization of the European Centre of Disease and Control (ECDC), which classifies countries into green, orange or red categories. The grey category will also be added which foresees obtaining a special permission to travel to Cyprus. The Ministry of Health will announce on a weekly basis the categorization of the countries. An announcement concerning any future change will be published at the following link.
All passengers, regardless of the country category, will need to apply for a Cyprus Flight Pass through the dedicated electronic portal. Visit the following link for information on passengers who meet the requirements for a test in Cyprus.
Please note that the cost of the laboratory test (RT-PCR) for Covid-19, for passengers who meet the requirements to undergo the test for COVID-19 upon their arrival in Cyprus, is 30 euros and must be paid by each participant. Please check the Cyprus Flight Pass website for any updates.
In order to apply for participating in the intoMUSIC project, please follow the link below to fill out the application.